The morning light
Is brought forth in hope
And endless glee today,
For there is a new day
A wonderful beautiful day!
The morning light has revisited my dreams
In a blazing arch of endless purple and pink,
Each beam of love stretching from the sky
Portraying an avid emotion of infinite compassion,
For the Heavens have opened in expression!
This forever inspiring sight of morning light
Gives me a joy within that will never fade away,
For these view seconds of viewing eternity
Has overwhelmed my senses in awe never ending,
I have felt the warmth of morning and am on my knees!
The everlasting morning light has overcome
Every single tear that drops from my face,
My sadness is swept away as I gaze into the flames
Of pure majesty that expresses the forever loving,
My heart has been lifted up this morning
Into the purple shades of Amor Aeternus Eternus!
My soul has been released from its selfish self wants
I am free from the prison of my own making, I am remade!